CD + Digipack (Random 1 out of 6) + 14p Accordion Book + Photocard
Release: 21 Mar 23
DEADLINE (Supplier Ver): Please order and make payment by 7 Mar 23, 6PM SGT for first batch release/guarantee preorder benefits
DEADLINE (Site Ver): 24 Feb 23, 6PM SGT
+ Site Ver takes at least 2 weeks to arrive in SG, subjected to delay on respective site.
+ Please note that ordering multiple of the same albums from different Sites do not guarantee that there will be no duplicate versions.
+ Please note that domestic shipping fee ($3.75 SGD) within Korea may be chargeable and sharable among buyers if margin for free domestic shipping is not met. Emails will be sent if additional top up is required. By purchasing, you’ve acknowledged and agreeable to the possibility that you may need to pay for the domestic shipping fees.